Never make the mistake of urinating under the shower, expert told the shocking reason

Never make the mistake of urinating under the shower, expert told the shocking reason

Why shouldn’t you urinate under the shower?

The founder of the Wellbeing platform Wellgood Wellbeing said that if you do not have the urge to urinate, then avoid trying to urinate forcefully. Because doing so can cause bladder dysfunction. He said that if you urinate unnecessarily, like urinating before going on a long journey so that there is no problem later, doing so can force you to go to the toilet before the bladder is full. You would feel that you had just gone to the toilet, then how did the toilet come. This problem arises from going to the toilet unnecessarily. 

According to ‘The Sun’ report, Professor Stergios Doumochatis, a leading expert in urogynecology based at Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust, said that sometimes it is okay to go to the toilet without need. But if you are continuously trying to urinate without feeling urine, then it can have a bad effect on your bladder. If you have a habit of going to the toilet unnecessarily every half an hour, then it can affect the function of your bladder. The bladder will not be smaller in size, but yes it can definitely have an effect on its functioning. It takes at least two weeks for the bladder to become more sensitive.

Is it good to take a bath before sleeping?

Many people like to sleep after taking a bath. But sleep experts say that sleeping immediately after taking a bath is not good for health. Make sure to keep a gap of one and a half hour between bath and sleep. A 2020 study found that taking a warm bath 90 minutes before bed helped people fall asleep up to 50 percent faster and increased their total sleep time by 15 minutes.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.

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